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JSP Elements

Directives are used to give page specific information.
Directive Syntax Example
page <%@ page attribute = "value" %> <%@ page import = "java.util.*" %>
include <%@ include file = "url" %> <%@ include file = "info.htm" %>
taglib <%@ taglib uri = "identifier" prefix = "name" %> <%@ taglib uri = "web-info/myTags.tld" prefix = "c" %>

Scripting elements are used to give snippets of Java code or comments.
Scripting Syntax Example
Java declaration <%! declaration %> <%! int count %>
Scriptlet code <% code to execute" %> <% i = aValue * 1000 %>
Evaluated output <%= expression %> <%= new java.util.Date() %>
JSP comment <%-- comment --%> <%-- Only in JSP page --%>
HTML comment <!-- comment --%> <!-- Seen in html page --%>

Actions are programming commands that create, change or use other objects.
Action Syntax
useBean <jsp:useBean id = "beanName" />
include <jsp:include page = "url" flush = "boolean" />
setProperty <jsp:setProperty name = "beanName" property = "propertyName" %>
getProperty <jsp:getProperty name = "beanName" property = "propertyName" %>
forward <jsp:forward page = "relative url" />
plugin <jsp:plugin attribute = "value" />

Type Example
Scripting element <%! java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); %>
Action command <jsp:useBean id="now" class="java.util.Date" />

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(c) Compiled by B V Wood.

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